Effective and affordable

Explore case studies that reveal insights into our proven track record. These industry leaders chose to level up their workflows using our custom Enterprise Plan.


The DocInsights Core technology is playing an integral role in our digital transformation journey. This technology is reshaping our business processes and is allowing us to improve our service offering to clients. We are achieving results that were unattainable before.

Herman van Schalkwyk

Partner, Spoor & Fisher


Spoor & Fisher work with a significant volume of documents on a day to day basis. Admin intensive tasks in managing this chew up time and resources. Whilst the Spoor & Fisher team work through case data, clients have to wait up to weeks at a time. This is frustrating and unnecessary.

DocInsights Solution

We offer Spoor & Fisher our accessible proprietary AI tool to seamlessly process the unstructured data, whilst gaining an ever deeper grasp of the key facts and knowledge patterns. The modular (think, lego) nature of our software has allowed us to stack the technology in a site-specific and highly effective way.


A report that used to take 4 weeks to complete, can be finalised within 1 week. This has resulted in 300% improvement in productivity and revenue. Spoor & Fisher have increased their service delivery without hiring more staff, or breaking a sweat.

DocInsights is our secret weapon, it has enabled our boutique construction law firm to digest, in its simplest form, massive amounts of information. Now we can compete with the biggest and the best - and be even better.

Adine Abro

Managing Partner, Adine Abro Attorneys


Adine Abro Attorneys had to process an enormous pile of documents, including email threads, in a critically short space of time.

DocInsights Solution

We ran the dataset through our semantic search engine. Adine’s team was able to identify the data that was most relevant to the case within hours. Our intuitive app was so easy-to-use that with almost no onboarding period they got the facts they needed, and collated their findings.


A leading law firm quoted 2 weeks of full time work to extract the data needed on this case. With Doc Insights, Adine had the prescient information within 5 hours.

Emails: 10,900 | Attachments: 5,700 | Data size: 29 GB >> 5 HOURS.

Legal technology solutions

Our smart app delivers tangible gains for professionals in many industries


Industry Pain Points & Our Solution


Pain point

Navigating through mountains of multimedia documents when time is of the essence. 


Use our cutting edge AI assisted search function to digest all the various types of case documents and files you would otherwise drown in, and pinpoint the facts that actually matter. Build your case concisely using our collection tool, whilst maintaining linkbacks to source documents throughout. Beat the clock to the courtroom, because this all happens seamlessly and quickly. Increase revenue by doing more, understanding more, and serving more in less time.



Cutting across years of records and documents to gain insights into your clients, and being able to adequately back findings.


Documents relating to lifecycles - commercial or private - are overwhelming, especially when the nature of content is all so critical. Use our innovative chronology tool to grasp how data has evolved, and use our AI search tool to extract only the most prescient information. Collaborate with your team using annotation powered by Adobe so that no facts fall through the cracks, and everyone can contribute their findings.



Keeping track of all the material you analyse over years. Compiling a Reference list is a headache most seek to avoid.


Use our multi-layered AI search tool to understand the contingencies and patterns that link your mountain of source material. Map those patterns using the annotation tools and compile an easy-to-use PDF, or Word doc, with all your critical findings from any number of sources, whether they be from books, handwritten accounts, or audio files. Get to the finish line faster by leveraging off our smart backlink features, built into your findings; there is no length of Reference list you cannot conquer!



Compiling client documents that differ in format, and securely storing information whilst you work on completing the ledger, fast.


Organisation. Client files can be a nightmare of inconsistencies and so voluminous it takes months just to weed through them all. Cut down on time by seamlessly importing all the varying files into our software. Make sense of them all by using the powerful AI search tool, and compile the differing data into legible streams. Develop a deep understanding into how the financials have evolved over time through our chronology tool. Report to your clients in a way that cuts straight to the chase - with backlinks to back up your findings.



Validating facts for cases so that your findings match up with the paper trail.


Use the proprietary AI search tool to sift through a mountain of documents. Collect only the most relevant in a clear and traceable format, with backlinks. Within forensics it is often essential to cross-reference information in documents, such as affidavits, against bank statements, or other multi-format documentation. Once you have your first set of data, it is easy and time efficient to run a second level search, pulling out the necessary facts to cross-reference against. When matching up multiple streams of data, admin can be a nightmare, but our system makes this so easy and each stream can be coherently timelined so your findings are not just factually accurate, but also time-checked.

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)


Quickly surveying a huge volume of contracts belonging to the target company in search of very particular, focused information.


Typically, in a large M&A transaction, the target company would have a number of existing contracts, which the acquiring company wishes to gain by way of purchasing the business, assets, or shares in the target company. These contracts however often contain what is termed “change in control clauses''. Essentially, these clauses state that a third-party would be entitled to terminate a contract should a change in control in the target company occur. As part of a due diligence process, M&A lawyers would review these contracts to determine whether any clauses like this exist, and if they do, deal with them timeously. Doc Insights software is capable of scanning and analysing the agreements to snag any clauses. A report can then be rendered to share the findings with all interested parties.


Ready to work smarter and faster?

Explore a DocInsights solution for your industry.
